2012 香港書展 - W x Y 強勢出書送禮之最後通告


繼去年我和 Yoko 以 W x Y 姿態的強勢出擊,卓越地推出第一本合著《美肌瘦身祕笈》兼且做到唯一每本書都可以隨書附送那麼名貴的美容產品紀錄,明天 2012 年書展我們將會再接再厲!論價錢和派頭,最強勁產品分別有:

首先是比 $88 書價足足貴 16.8 倍的 MTM Custom blended 眼膜及精華套裝,零售價為 $1,480!真的非常感謝贊助商的鼎力支持!這個產品還要比去年 $800 Glycel 乳霜的紀錄貴$680 大元啊!這個一共有 50 set,總值港幣 $74,000!勁啊!

另一份是 Yoko 最強推介,意大利BORGHESE 的 Age Control 系列,一共送出 100 瓶,總值港幣 $80,000!

以上兩分超級限量版重量級禮物,只會在我和 YOKO 的簽書會中隨書附送。名額只有 150 位(150 位意思是說,每人每本只會有其中一份!)


日期:2012 年 7 月 18 日 (書展首天)

而其餘時間要買到有其他禮物的《美肌瘦身祕笈 2》,就可以到紅出版的攤位:會展Hall 1紅出版1A-D16


(PS:謝謝 Yoko 讓我 copy 她 blog 的照片)


There are 3 comments

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  1. erica liong

    Hi, Winnie, luckly I have bought your book and also the one with you and Winnie. Oh, I love it so much so I read them all till 03:55 am ler.

    I see some coupons have longer expiry dates, that’s really great ah. For the book released last yr, the expiry dates are mostly end of Dec, hard to make appointment as many girls would to try at special price, end up I can only try very few. If you also provide coupons for those treatments in books last year, that will be great ler.

    Thank you so much, I love reading your and Yoko’s essays when I read MORE magazine.

    and later I will put the book in Bitchy Store, please sign for me, haha, thanks!

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