

最近好友問我:「啊!其實你跟 D 平時相處說甚麼多呢?」


不是開玩笑,如果要做個我們溝通內容的 breakdown,大概會如下:

40% 時間:廢話(包括經常無原因地稱呼對方,不停互相改暱稱,笑話,東拉西扯的話題,說 3-5歲會說的太空話和BB 話等)


15% 時間:我們之間的正經事 (包括吃甚麼和去哪裡吃)





我們沒有太多正經東西說。人生其它太多事已經太過 「正經」了,見到自己喜歡的人,只想可以無憂無慮舒舒服服在一起。雖然沒有很多時間溝通「正經」事,但並不代表這段關係就很不正經或隨便。其實我們之所以沒太多「正經」事談,因為兩人在生活上已有很大程度的默契。而彼此的默契,就是通過平時其它溝通背後而認識到大家很多東西而產生出來的。

不過,對我來說,其實那 30% 對他的讚美與感謝,才是這段關係的主菜。我很愛事無大小在人前人後都讚他的。我讚他的東西有時真是無聊到連他都忍不住問我:「夠了沒有?妳又來低能了!」雖然讚他時他不會表現得特別興奮或者很感動,但是,其實男人是非常需要和渴求這些讚美與感謝的。,當然,這些話要出自真心而不是為說而說,甚至做作裝出來,因為對方一定會感受到的啊!

要贏男人心,先學會讚美他;要男人關心,就好好感謝他;要男人開心,多說有point 的廢話。

昨天下午,我還在上海的時候,他在 WeChat post 了這個:

本來他說沒我份兒,只買了給媽媽。回到家他叫我在冰櫃拿東西他喝,噢!我就看到兩個屬於我的清水白桃了!我小心翼翼用雙手吃完,洗乾淨雙手就馬上摸著他的臉。他笑了很久,開心完之後很得意洋洋的跟我說:「其實那個傳說,是我作的!」@.@ !!! 看來他的廢話,已快到達神級了!



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  1. GratefuVivian

    This is PROFOUND.

    I just ordered your new book 橙皮变豆腐 from Yesasia.com – and which caused me to look you up, and found your blog, and spent almost 9 hours on it during the past 2 nights.

    You are very ABS (Authentic and Bold and Smart) – thank you for being and sharing you. You are a true inspiration in many ways.

    By the way, does your online store take international order? I am from the US.

    I am also very very curious – Have you attended “The Heart of Samurai” by Klemmer & Assoiciates? Because I noticed that you mentioned that when you talk about “Akido”…

  2. winnieleung

    GratefulVivian: Thank you SOOOOO much. I gotta say, your 9 hours in 2 days touched my heart! I am just serving what my purpose in life is meant to be, and I am glad you enjoy reading my blog, my book…. whatever. Yes, my shop takes international order, the new online shop will be launching soon but meanwhile, you may still order but please be patience with our old online shop interface which is very low tech.
    I have not attended “The Heart of Samurai” by Klemmer & Assoiciates but I do believe the one I attended is something similar in some ways but mine is a 3 day (weekend) workshop only.
    Thank you again, and welcome to my club!

  3. winnieleung

    Andrea:就是想散發多點正能量給大家!不過D 只得一個,你想要,靠你自己創造啊!D 本來都不是這樣,互相感染,互相成長。

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