
只要我有一天加一個早上不去 update 這個 blog,大家就可以知道,我真的要睡覺了。本來想寫別的,卻突然被雷擊中那樣要寫這個。無需用宗教角度去看,因為它不過是哲理。

烏煙瘴氣,散了。牛鬼蛇神,走了。整體氣場也感到乾淨不少 ~ 起碼乾淨到在我讓自己安靜了一個禮拜之後,一出擊就終於覓得最理想的新居與新車,而新店籌備的進度也理想。只是有些業障太深(該是自作業),未能度。整個虛空宇宙地獄無限個,我這個凡夫俗子沒有地藏王菩薩的願力,喜歡在地獄遊魂的就即管讓他們遊個夠。







那凡夫未到化境怎麼辦?沒關係,不為所動你就在天堂。在天堂就繼續每天快樂過活,business as usual,吃喝玩樂,多做善事。要發爛要受苦要墮落要咒罵要撒尿要便便的,不是在天堂的人。藐藐嘴笑說:“Well,thank you for your sharing!” 後就繼續 enjoy life!

昨天在 Facebook 和微博 post 了一段話,最後一句為:「我連自己都搞不清楚自己的正職是甚麼了耶!」然後我最好的一個朋友留言說:“Your real job is to be a happy person” (你的正職是當個開心的人)而我,也把這個正職做得太棒!

如果你有開這個blog 都知道我有弄 vision board 來 向宇宙「下訂單」,很高興,我發現在 vision board 上面的種種都逐一進行中和發生中。昨天收到「通告」,已說了 N 年的印度之旅該會在 9 月起行!

成為大地之前,讓我先踏遍世界大地吧!Looking 4ward!!!!!!

Blessings to all my dear fans and readers,thank you for your love ,care,and support!


There are 37 comments

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  1. Fiona

    係羅, 寫番D踏實D既文章咪好囉, 相信如果你唔再寫埋D驚天地, 泣鬼神, 如什麼”我的零皺紋傳奇” 或 ‘我是混血兒” 之類咁駭人聽聞既嘢, 相信冇人咁得閒challenge你, 正所謂, 面係人地比, 假係自己刁(掉).

  2. Jenny and Kitty

    點解你總係唔接受批評, 所有negative既comments 你就話人地係綠眼怪/大小二便/妒忌你, 你將自己想像得太完美只會令自己咩後路都冇, 所有positive既野係你身上一定係’最’, 你只係令自己成為一個笑話

  3. Zoe

    烏煙瘴氣 牛鬼蛇神 地獄遊魂 沒修養到隨處以大小二便 要發爛要受苦要墮落要咒罵要撒尿要便便的,不是在天堂的人………
    你成編文都隱藏住惡毒既咀咒, 你唔單止冇修養, 仲好毒辣,
    真正有修養既人, 自己唔會成日提住, 而係傍觀者自己感受到既.
    江山易改本性難移, 睇來你耍到”包容一切”既道行, 真係long long road to go, 可能你根本就無呢個慧根, “包容”, “修養”似乎同你格格不入, 你根本襯起呢D詞!

  4. Michelle

    明明係負, 都講係正
    明明係邪, 都講係正
    明明係惡, 都講係善
    明明係醜, 都講係美
    wow! 真係大開眼畀!

  5. Mandy


    Winnie: This sounds easy, but this is often the hardest part to achieve! People will always say things, but in the end words, are just, words. It doesn’t even matter why they say it but that what they say don’t affect you…

    Really happy that you’re going to India! It’s good to get out of the concrete jungle once in while — it’s good for the soul! India is a place of contrast, it’s one of the most dirtiest place on earth, yet the people there seem to have so much wisdom, so spiritual. Your eyeballs will be constantly moving!!

    Zoe: 江山易改本性難移, 睇來你耍到”包容一切”既道行, 真係long long road to go.

    Of course! Your comment applies to everybody, including Winnie, me and you, no exception.

  6. winnieleung

    Mandy: it’s nice to have you leaving encouraging and very positive message here lately. You new to this blog? I’ve been traveling a lot and since 3 years ago, I tend to visit places that are really spiritual and special to me. I started to with my Africa trip to watch animal migration –> Cambodia –> Tibet –> and India this year. Morocco is probably the next stop. Once again, thank you for your support and your care, it’s not easy to protect and support what you truly like and believe amid of the ‘drift’ if you understanding what I’m talking about and it’s pitiful to see how people in the drift behave and think, so let’s work hard and take a stand in creating something we want. Thank you very much gain 🙂

  7. Mandy

    Winnie: If you go to Morocco, Moroccan men are kind of like…狗公 and they like Chinese women!! So watch out!!

    I just thought about the Chinese sister and brother in the story of 尋找他鄉的故事 in the India series. I feel like crying every time I think about them.

    Yes, I’m new to your blog. I’m out of touch with what’s going in HK showbiz but I kept seeing news about “Bride Wannabe.” So I watched it on youtube, wanting to see how bad the show really was, but surprisingly, I found the show to be very positive and uplifting. HK needs to have shows like this but unfortunately, not many people appreciate the meaning behind the show.

    Lulu: 我已經問左你三次, 好, 之前我就當你唔識雞腸, 宜家用中文再同你講次. 如果你再講同樣ge話, 那我懷疑你根本可能是个電腦人, 被設定了某種程式, 一看到 Winnie 的 post 就會自動開啟”我要消滅她”的意識. 這些事情不是沒可能, 你有看過 Leonardo di Caprio 的 Inception 嗎? 可能你的腦被載入了什麼也不定.

    如果你留下你的通訊方法,我會跟你見個面, 然後你可以自己判斷我是不是Winnie (雖然這做法實在是太過無聊, 我亦未必真的有時間, 但最起碼我不會隱藏在互聯網的背後不停的插人. 像你這種人不是好辯論嗎? 我現在給你一个現場辯論的機會). 如果你自己棄權, 請不要再重複重複再重複用同樣的指控. 同樣的侮辱說話你已說過千萬遍, 之前你說的都有新點子, 但現在你創造廢話的能力已明顯降級到完完全偏離了post 的標題. 至少你要清楚的表明你想罵她還是罵我.

    如果你怕你的聯絡方式外洩, 沒問題, 你可以 email Winnie, 我跟她拿你的聯絡方法.

    Man, you people are just funny as hell…

  8. jackson

    It is funny that those 牛鬼蛇神 are following your blog. More loyal than the loyal audience. What are they really trying to achieve? There are too many different minds in the world, and too many are unpredictable. That’s what make the world interesting. Reminds me of this lyric, 人浮遊在世不止自己 才令我一生好奇, even the song not applicable to the situation. lol
    Hey Mandy, I can feel your anger, but it’s all useless to the scumbags. Some people do things and say things without a reason. Reminds me of a quote from the movie Two for the money, even again, doesn’t really relate hahaha. “You’re a lemon. Like a bad car. There is something… there is something inherently defective in you, and you, and you, and me, and all of us. We’re all lemons. We look like everyone else, but what makes us different is our defect. See, most gamblers, when they go to gamble, they go to win. When we go to gamble, we go to lose. Subconsciously. Me, I never feel better than when they’re raking the chips away; not bringing them in. And everyone here knows what I’m talking about. Hell, even when we win it’s just a matter of time before we give it all back. But when we lose, that’s another story. When we lose, and I’m talking about the kind of loss that makes your asshole pucker to the size of a decimal point – you know what I mean – You’ve just recreated the worst possible nightmare this side of malignant cancer, for the twentieth goddamn time; and you’re standing there and you suddenly realise, Hey, I’m still… here. I’m still breathing. I’m still alive. Us lemons, we fuck shit up all the time on purpose. Because we constantly need to remind ourselves we’re alive. Gambling’s not your problem. It’s this fucked up need to feel something. To convince yourself you exist. That’s the problem.”

  9. Sarah

    如果我不喜歡某個blogger/writer, 或者對方的觀點令自已看起來很不舒服, 我不會長期在blog/專欄上追蹤這位blogger/writer, 別浪費自己時間。既然看不過眼看得不舒服, 何苦要追看從而刺激自己”憤怒”的神經? 我明白看到不順眼的聽到不順耳的, 需要找一種渠道發洩情緒。但, 你不click入這個blog, 你心境或許會更平和。為人為己, 不如找一個令自己令大家都舒服的方法去生存。至少, 你不會看到你認為無理的文章而生氣, 別人亦不會因為看到認為無理的留言而激動。

  10. Lulu

    Eva HE, 就算無朋友, 都好過你做跟尾狗囉…….仲要係跟個咁既質素….可想而知你應該仲差………

  11. Eva HE


  12. Flora

    Eva, 你話人地係狗,但又明兼回應你所謂既狗,咁你自己係咩?識聽狗話既豬?

  13. serena

    eva he,

    dun response to those dumn ass as they did it in purpose. u should feel.sorry to them to spend such lot of times here to attack/against anyone has postitive attitude to winnie. poor them

  14. Flora

    Serena, You also spend lot of times here to attract/against anyone has different opinion to Winnie! Poor you!

  15. Jack

    Serena, 你係文盲定係睜大眼講大話? 我由頭睇到落尾d留言, 都係你地d所謂postitive attitude to winnie既支持者先attack/against 其他人! 果個Eva HE仲好似跟尾狗咁吠/搖尾乞憐咗幾次,人地先可憐佢so吓佢/ 比d shit 喂吓佢. 你地d睜大眼講大話技倆同你地既主人一樣. 果然係僕似主!

  16. winnieleung

    jackson:holy!it’s the first time you ever leave such a very very long message!thank you!and doesn’t matter if what you said is related, you have your point, in-depth ones!appreciated

  17. winnieleung

    Mandy:Welcome to my blog!Apology that it might not be the most perfect time to join,as I don’t reply as often and as promptly as before,but really catching up again now!It might also not be the most perfect time as you can see what’s going on,but relax,take a deep breath,and keep reading ~ that’s the real purpose why you click into here,right?

  18. jackson

    looks like you are the only one who get what I am trying to express, the rest are just keep fighting….lol…anyways, I am working at the customer site in Copenhagan right now…very nest and peaceful city, girls are very beautiful, you should come here and see youself, but only the summer time…anyways…let’s catch up when back.

  19. 牛鬼蛇神

    Jackson, what you tried to express applies perfectly to your friend.
    “gambling is her not problem, it’s this fucked up needs to feel something. To convince herself she exists. That’s the problem.”

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