台北狂掃 Dr.Wu


我是大概半年前才開始用 Dr.Wu,分別用他的 Mask 和 Serum,但一用就愛上。

我覺得 Dr.Wu 的產品是真的做到品牌宗旨的簡單有效,而且,Dr.Wu 的微導面膜的剪裁是我用過最貼面,最舒服,而且精華份量是剛剛好的!

所以,這趟在台北一家藥房狂掃獨家 box set,我便買個不停。不過,如果要知我掃了甚麼和有多抵買,就要是看今天出版的 more 了。






There are 18 comments

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  1. Nam

    係呀…我每次去台北都會勁掃Dr Wu( 但主要都係幫d fd買 ^^), 因為真係平好多! 上網預訂俾喺藥房買更平…..所以每次去之前…..我都會麻煩我d 台灣朋友幫我預先大批訂購, 哈哈!

    我都試用咗好多佢ge product, 最鍾意”Q10角鯊修復精华液” 同mask, 真係好正!

    (**Winnie : 我今次喺台北機塲 Tod’s 買咗個D-Bag! 謝謝您的資料提供**)

  2. Minnie

    你好呀Winnie.. 我睇左今期more呀, 咁岩老闆會返台北, 諗緊托佢買咩好.. 上康是美個website睇到佢個保濕box set係洗面+serum,唔同你果set係有埋lotion同埋超mini保濕cream, 有d擔心.. 想問你係咪買左cream呀? 見你相中間有個好似貨裝既cream.. 係咪好好用好保濕架? 好想試呀…..

  3. Minnie

    Winnie, 我估more blog印刷出左少少錯, 右邊第一幅相d products係whitening serum/eye gel, 唔係微導面膜呀… 可唔可以o係呢度share多次呀? 我驚我老闆買錯 /_

  4. winnieleung

    Nam:今次這些比網上買還要平好多啊!!超平!btw,恭喜你終於買到Tod’s 了!!!!Yeah!

  5. winnieleung

    Minnie:對啊,我個Box set 是有:1)cleanser 2)Serum 3)Lotion 4)超迷你 Extreme 補水 cream。貨裝是我另外買的 Hydrating Gel,我在酒店沒有 body cream 塗,把它塗在身都好補濕!!!!

  6. winnieleung

    Minnie:因為我未回港,未看more啊。你想買我那個box se 的話,它叫玻尿酸保濕導入組。新台幣 $1200,這樣買就該無錯喇

  7. Minnie

    明白, 我老闆已幫我在網上(奇摩)order了, 滿3000減300呀! 我買了兩set玻尿酸保濕導入組, 4 sets保濕美白masks, 還有101ml玻尿酸essence和100ml玻尿酸 crem. 10月頭就有得用了! 好緊張呀…

  8. betsie

    Hi Winnie,
    Thanks for sharing. I will be visiting Taipei at the end of this month but then maybe the discount sale is already over…
    I have one more question – have you ever heard of 台北嬌蕉包 (Banana Taipei). It’s a recycle bag version of the Hermes Birkin Bag. Do you know where I can get one in Taipei?
    Sorry for taking you as a 人肉 shopping guide but you are always so resourceful, always writing about the best deals & products ^-^!!

  9. winnieleung

    betsie: You are welcome. You cannot buy that bag as they are always always out of stock and you gotta line up until the end of year. HOWEVER, I have made enough order from them and will be put on sale in HK for my readers and fans. You wanna wait for me???!? My idea is I will be buying all the great stuffs that I introduce or when I could get them during my travelling. I wanna share my joy, my taste, my fun with all of you!!!

  10. winnieleung

    betsie: As for Dr. Wu, yes, they got sold out. I checked with them 2 days before when I was in Taipei. I have the last few boxes and might sell it to readers and fans, too! (everything is in the middle of my plan, just stay tuned on my blog cos I’ll be disclosing this news soon!)
    However, if you are going to TP at the end of month, they’re having this big annual sale across the nation called 週年慶 and things will go very cheap anyway. So, all you need to do is to shop and look around!!!!! Try Watson’s, (yes, the same Watson’s), they have really cool deal!

  11. betsie

    Thank you so much, Winnie!
    It’s such good news to hear about your BIG plans!
    Of course I WILL wait!!!
    I am afriad that business for you will be so good that I will still need to be wait-listed!!
    Thanks for the info on the big sale! Will ‘report’ if I manage to find something nice!
    All the Best & keep up with the good work!

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