

由於沒有實際需要,所以在香港,雪靴品牌之中,只有UGG Australia較為人所熟悉,但在極寒的地方,還有不少具特色的雪靴品牌,就例如來自加拿大的SOREL,已有百年歷史,早於1908年便已成立,專業研發、經營耐穿、舒適、防寒的橡膠鞋。20世紀50年代,SOREL 第一次將上等皮革鞋面、耐磨橡膠鞋底和超凡保暖的毛氈襯裡結合,製造出高效保暖的雪地靴。就連一眾荷李活的超級巨星,如:Kate Hudson、Goldie Hawn、Katie Aselton、Tom Cruise、Brad Pitt等,都是SOREL的擁躉。

左上:Elle McPhearson;中上:Kate Hudson & Goldie Hawn;右上:Tom Cruise;下:Brad Pitt等等的荷李活巨星,都會穿著SOREL,不過大部分都是作滑雪之用,只有Kate Hudson和Goldie Hawn用以配襯高貴的皮草。

Joan of Arctic淺咖啡色翻毛皮絨面雪靴 $1,799 From Lane Crawford。SOREL的鞋款均採用全密封接縫,工藝細緻,鞋面防潑水處理,即使在雨中行走,也絕不怕滲水,同時能在任何情況下都保證雙腳溫暖舒適。耐磨橡膠鞋底,強力抓地,防滑效果卓越。

SOREL的雪靴絕非只得個樣,可抵禦零下二三十度的低溫天氣,時刻保護雙腳溫暖。(左)Firenzy黑色長靴 $2,599,(右)Firenzy Breve紅色短靴 $1,999 From Lane Crawford


There are 3 comments

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  1. Jenny

    omg..Not even many people in Canada know this brand..but it defnitely protects feet from cold and wet snow more than ugg does. However, I think they can redefine their brand image…its just too sporty brand for most of us.

    PS, michelle, have you ever bought brandy bags from second hand shop, and do you think they have credibility? (not those miland shops, but small shops in the small malls)

  2. michellelau

    hi Jenny,
    我未試過在second hand shop買過名牌袋,而且你說的還要是小舖,真的不太敢喎!

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