喜歡了… 日本


踏過美國的雪、加拿大的雪、上海的雪、北京的雪、韓國的雪 … 但真的沒有像北海道的雪那麼白,那麼粉。

坐過美國的 MTA、加拿大的 TTC 和 subway、國內的地鐵、香港的港鐵、英國的 Underground,意大利的Metro、台灣的捷運 … 但就是沒有想日本的 JR 舒服,整潔,安靜。

在 103 個城市遇過很多人,但每次都是在日本遇上主動幫忙的人。這次,是個正在當班的服務員。她跟老闆交代幾句後便親自開車把迷路的我們載到目的地去。


住過無數酒店,但被斬到一頸血的,是這次在二世古 M Hotel 一個若 300 尺不夠每晚近乎 ¥30000 的房間。

7 天的日本行,完全零 shopping。偏偏,沒有最好,只有更好。沒有最貴,只有更貴。




There are 9 comments

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  1. Cecilia



  2. TT

    hi winnie,



    除左你blog寫過嘅餐廳同spa ,有無其他新介紹?

    祝一直sweet sweet下去。 ^^

  3. erica liong

    HI, WInnie, Long time no see la.

    Haha, Buy too many Xmas promotion sets 2 yrs ago in Xmas, end up buying too much and all (all organic ones I buy 2 packs) get expired. Do you know if it is open in 2 yrs and keep in cool location, can it still use it or I have to throw them away? So as Sassou deep cleaning mask too…I have too much cosmetic and masks, you know, and also, every time it only need a piece of rice size is good for great cleansing effect, so even my 1st bottle, I haven’t finished, but I still use it as it still works and I like it so much.

    Recently they open shops here and once I went to the one with saleslady saying they are traditional train in Japan before opening shop in HK. But their service and attitude, remember these are trained in Japan, are the worse I have ever face, You know, many shops even for high brands, the salesladys are polite and always wear smile on their face even you end up buy nothing.

    The experience is they keep asking me to try this and that but I got most of the products already and their Japan supplier never allows other shops in HK except Yuen Lei Ming, and with disgusting expressions. And they don’t let me go unitl I finally buy the lavender cleaning and remove makeup one as I like its special design of the botlle.

    So I will never go to that store.

  4. erica liong

    Oh, forget what my main point to drop a line here.

    I have been guessing since you are interested in bride grown, since you are so excited to make yourself beautiful, since you in your essays saying a lot but I dont’ miss a few words about sb. uses the organic products and mositure cream in your journary, having sb. to go with you everywhere in China, having good relaxation for massage in Macau, and your essays that having some meanings, so I have been waiting for you for so long and wonder how long but I don’t thing it would be too long for you to annouce to us to share your happiness your “D”.

    Just like Cecilia, I read your essays and posts for about 2 or 3 yrs, and you are always the one who are passionate and even care for me so much and write to me, comfort me, and tell me what I should do. I treat you as friend that I can tell you everything, hope you also can take me as a friend, and a super fans.

    I am always envy so happy for everyone who can find his/her love, the right person that can, as what you said ”


    7 天的日本行,完全零 shopping。偏偏,沒有最好,只有更好。沒有最貴,只有更貴。



    Love your words so much. And let me know the good news!!!

    And a “8 gwar” lady (me) will be interested in all kinds of making yourself beauty (of course, spiritual is also enough), and if you are planning to have wedding ceremony (but I wonder if you would choose a special quiet, simple, with those you love around u 2), share with us you tips to make yourself the beautiful bride!!!

  5. winnieleung

    may i know what shop you are talking about,erica? sorry to hear your bad experience,too bad!to me,service of my staffs is way to important!!! thank you for your blessing!I will just 隨緣喇!現在開心就好好,以後怎樣,靠現在來創造了!happy new year,erica,你值得開心和美麗。

  6. erica liong

    the one at CWB opposite to Ikea. When I talked about u they all looked shocked that you can sell their products and said only allows Yuen Lei Ming to sell their products; and all the 3 staffs including the manager are very impolite and with awful facial expresssions when they talked about you.

    Come on, see those brands like LV, Channel, Dior, etc. those sales people keep smiling no matter you buy stuffs of not, I wonder how come there is sitll a shop in HK like this, and they said what they do, how they talk everything they know are trained in Japan for a month, so they are sure what is the company policy.

    Though there is a new pdts buy I won’t go there. I don’t want to be forced to buy sth., though the lavender makeup remover is good with smart bottle design.

  7. erica liong

    Yes, it is so good to hear that you are so happy, and you look so happy and always see you in the photos with pale cheeks and smile sweeet ler.

    About me, not good, but don’t know how to go on and no hints what I can do, as what I can do, I have tried already. And it is not easy to change a person personality, and he now can pinpoints my faults and speaks well like a lawyer. So, hard to pass a day, don’t want to see him in the morning and nights and everyday he has new topics to shout at, even my son can’t escape.

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