

但不知道究竟是DNA的奇妙傳承了我的專長,抑或是他受老師的鼓勵而萌生寫作的念頭,大兒子Louis五歲的時候,開始了寫作,創作了第一個故事--A Big Journey for Webtime。

幸好,他遇上了一位好老師(他K3班主任)--Miss Ghazaleh Razari。
我清楚記得那時正值家長日,我跟Miss Gazel提及兒子愛寫作但老是串錯字,Miss Gazel叫我不要指正他挑他錯字,這樣會discourage他的寫作,老師說Louis正運用拼音來串字,雖然錯了,但他的方法很好,只要再大一些他慢慢掌握得好一點,那他的spelling就會很好的了。
Miss Gazel 更鼓勵 Louis 每個星期寫一些東西給她,例如:食譜。

而我,也不再挑他的錯處,這個改變,的確令Louis更愛寫,也就寫下了他的第一個故事--A Big Journey for Webtime。
今年初,為了參加Hong Kong Young Writers Awards 2014,Louis又完成了另一個故事--The New Tales of the Gobi Desert。

這是Louis寫的第一個故事:A Big Journey for Webtime,是去年四月寫的,那時他還未滿六歲.


這是為參加比賽而寫的The New Tales of the Gobi Desert,比賽要求故事不可超過五百字,他卻寫了九百多字,還有插圖呢。Webtime是他創作下的人物,兩個故事都以Webtime為主角。


對於沒被選中,Louis多少有點失望,他現在的班主任便將他寫的故事放在reading corner,讓同學可以拿來看。
(這是參賽版,經過edit grammar和spelling,並刪減成五百字的版本)--
The New Tales of the Gobi Desert
Chapter 1 : The First Dinosaur Egg

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Webtime, he had some super powers but he kept it a secret……until now. One day, Webtime overheard Black Venom, his arch enemy, talking about going to the Gobi Desert to find the first Dinosaur Egg. He asked his mum if he could go to the Gobi Desert with his friends, Ben and Alune. When his mum finally learnt about his secret, she said, “Okay you can go.”

So, he said to Ben and Alune, “Come with me. Let’s activate the Secret Lair.” “Zibr, Zibr,” the Secret Lair was activated. They zoomed off to the Gobi Desert on the webjet at full speed.

Chapter 2: Flying in the Jet

Once they were in the Jet, Ben said, “Uh! Black Venom killed our friends, Black Team and Fire Bomb.”

“You were correct. We must defeat him as soon as possible” said Webtime.

“I don’t think that we should attack Black Venom because it could be very dangerous.” said Alune.

“Of course, it is dangerous but we should, because evil never wins!” replied Webtime.

They all agreed to take the chance. When they reached Mist Valley, the engine began to splutter and they all started to panic. “We need all hands on deck.” said Webtime.

Chapter 3: Fire in the Gobi Desert

Meanwhile, in the Gobi Desert, Black Venom was setting up a fire with his side kick Dark Bone. They travelled to the Desert quickly with their plane. Black Venom found out Webtime’s plan and barked out orders to his followers to attack the heroes Webtime, Ben and Alune. All his followers went into action preparing for war.

Chapter 4: The fight!

Evil fought good but none were slain. The followers did not die and neither did the heroes! So, Black Venom called for the Evillistic Four for help and the heroes called for the Fantastic Four! The battle was about to begin!

Then Ben said, “Uh, Webtime, better be late than sorry. ”

“Why?” Webtime asked.

“Because Alune has been captured.” Meanwhile at Black Venom’s Lair, the villains were transforming Alune into a mutant.

“The power of the sword… … Ha Ha Ha … … will turn her into a mutant! Mark my words!” said Black Venom.

Chapter 5: Trouble

Not long after Webtime and Ben were led onto an unpleasant battlefield by the villains, they heard horses galloping through the sand. They saw some evil Black and White samurai clanging on their horses and they also saw Alune the mutant! “We shall take the Dinosaur egg!” said Black Venom.

Black Venom found and dug up the Dino egg but the heroes grabbed it from him just in time! Ben poured a special potion on Alune when she was not looking and it turned her back to normal. Evil lost and good won.

Webtime put the Dino egg onto the flat bed of the webjet and the egg was protected by cameras with lasers. “So much for that work” said Webtime and they all laughed!

The End


There are 12 comments

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  1. sli

    Your son is very talented. I don’t think I could write a story like this when I was at the age of 5-6.

  2. Gigi

    你個囝囝好叻架啦! 可以寫到禁多嘢…
    你開你個blog,同佢講,好多姐姐讚佢叻仔,叫佢俾心機,唔好放棄!加油! @_@

  3. michellelau

    sli, sit, Gigi, Vivian,

  4. Michelle

    哥哥好叻!!! 繼續努力! 加油加油!!!

    我自少好喜歡睇中文書, 小時候也不能以中文寫這樣一篇故事, 英文更加不行…;)
    希望我仔大個D也有這樣的興趣, 一半的能力我於願已足!

  5. michellelau

    Michelle, Hilda,

    Thanks !!
    我也很慶幸Louis有這方面的興趣!! 他最近很愛看福爾摩斯, 可能他下一次寫的會是偵探故事. 🙂

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