我的零皺紋傳奇 1



前幾天有讀者留言投訴我現在很少寫美容了。好,一於就我被人問得最多的幾個 topic (包括:為什麼可零皺紋?為什麼可這麼瘦?為什麼樣子比較年輕?)分開來寫。其實上禮拜《more》的專欄寫了跟這個 blog 一樣題目的文章,我很少會馬上再寫的,無奈秘密武器要從美國預訂,有關單位說反正要訂,不如一口氣接訂單吧!

相信大部分的讀者都有看過《盛女愛作戰》,如果你有留意,拍攝期間(即去年 5 月開始)的我跟拍攝後的我(可參考《三個女人一個墟》或者《盛女駕到》裡面的我》在鏡頭下的皮膚和整體狀態判若兩人。尤其在第一集就更見我皮膚狀態尤其差,毛孔又粗大又有粒粒。但如果不是故意拍這些 close up,我哪裡可以有前後對比大家看?哪裡有證據證明 1 年來的努力是 work 的呢?

那個時候,因為常不在香港,拍攝時間都要抓緊在我早上下飛機後的下午/晚上,又或者晚上下飛機後的翌日。節目播出後雖然我沒有像以前般飛來飛去,但生活發生了天翻地覆馬不停蹄不分晝夜00:30要到電台開咪然後晚晚最早03:00 睡覺的劇變。換著以前皮膚一定已經受到嚴重挫折,但現在卻完全沒事。那天在電台,兩性關係導師男助教 Pierce 忍不住問我:「喂,為什麼你睡都沒時間睡,但喉嚨不沙啞,精神沒差別?為什麼會完全不覺殘又完全無皺紋呢?」

真相是需要雙管齊下內外兼備外敷內服努力去keep 的啊!我先不講 「外敷」的,因為如果內在搞不好,花幾多錢在外都沒用,所以要講「內服」的。

大家都制動我一直都會吃天然補充品來維持健康才得以熬到這樣但兩年多來未曾看過醫生!除按身體當時需要來決定吃甚麼 supplements 外,為了針對保住青春這塊,我會聽取顧問意見,每幾個月就連續服用天然 HGH 人類生長荷爾蒙補充劑。

吃了這個天然 HGH 半年,結論是:皮膚好了。精神好了。身形瘦了。心情開朗了。


人體生長荷爾蒙(HGH)是一種複雜的肽類激素(Peptide Hormone),100%由腦下垂體自然地產生。 在我們的整個生命週期都會分泌,以促進增長、組織修復和再生。而不幸的是,在30歲前 HGH便會開始急劇地放緩生產,所以如果能夠維持 HGH 水平就可以預防或者延緩很多衰老症狀。隨著HGH 在美容界漸見流行,但卻存在不少著不準確,不完整和虛假的信息。一般人往往並認為HGH相當於激素(類固醇)或提高體能的藥物,但事實並非如此,至少我肯定我在吃的那個獲得極高評價,並由世界著名的抗衰老醫學專家所調配,最重要是全天然的。

另外,我不得不說,吃了這個以後完全可以讓我直踩一整天有餘。上個月,我最高紀錄是睡了 1 小時便要開工,但是中間完全沒有小睡,就踩到做完電台開完咪為止,期間心情完全沒半點煩躁!顧問說,這個粉,絕對功不可沒。我信!而我的策略是,吃 3 個月停一停。不過最近生活不容許我這樣,所以才連續吃 6 個月。

上周開始已經有過百個查詢和預訂,如欲購買,九龍區請致電:3425-3537 (在佐敦);香港區請致電:2892-0133 (在銅鑼灣)也歡迎海外訂購。


There are 54 comments

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  1. fufu



  2. fufu




  3. winnieleung


  4. Janice

    Are your product FDA approved ( you said imported from US )? Side effect 可能生cancer的。食落肚小心dee好

  5. Winnie Leung

    Janice : thanks. 1)其實你可以搵d支持和證明沒side effect 的文章,都好多數據,不過要看你搵既係咪跟我這隻雷同;2)我這隻不是激素不是西藥,係植物提煉出來,precursor補充后讓人體自己生產HGH;3)不是西藥不用FDA啊;4)吾係食落肚才小心,好多塗在臉上的products的成份仲毒9倍啊!大家都最好check一下

  6. Winnie Leung


  7. Ning

    Sorry, 我唔係想搞事/搞交嗌.
    at least我係咁sense到

  8. Sunni

    嘩, 張相矇成咁, 連眼耳口鼻, 耳環飾物都睇唔清, 如果咁都影到皺紋, 都幾恐怖喎…..D相放到咁大, 比我兩個感覺, 一係自戀狂, 一係車頭相…..

  9. miumiu


  10. Lourdes

    動物抽取果啲就有SIDE EFFECT,好似上面果sis SHOW果篇文章咁

  11. Mandy

    Kaka, could you please stop calling yourself “Kaka” because your name means “shit” in many languages. But I suspect that even 好深頸紋 is better than you calling yourself “shit” (and perhaps looking like one). If your real name is really “Kaka,” then you might want to change your name because you’re embarrassing yourself, than again, people like you normally would assume mulitple personalities on the internet — and in case you want to know, “Kaka” also means “wimpy” — which is a perfect way to describe yourself. No wonder 陶傑 always like to joke about the English name of some HK people — Sunni? What Sunni? You mean the Sunni branch of Islam? 改埋D 奇奇怪怪ge名, 想寸人, 又唔識寸,但又要扮醒,成日以為自己好勁。根本就不知所謂。

    Rachel — the article that you referred to talks about HGH injfections (as in sticking needles right into your bloodstream), which aren’t the same thing as HGH “releasers” (which is what Winnie showed). HGH injfections are synethic (steroids) but HGH releasers are natural. They sell HGH releasers/boosters at many health stores in the United States. You can find them at GNC — a major health supplement chain store in just about every mall in the United States.

  12. Lulu

    上面個Mandy肯定又係Winnie Leung既分身. 你鍾意講乜就講乜啦, 你咁厚面皮, 條虎紋跌到落下巴, 都格硬話自己零皺紋, 你格硬話自己似李嘉欣都唔會suprise囉!

  13. Mandy

    Lulu: You probably are a looser in real life because you project this negativity onto people by claiming that they make stuff up. You believed that I “invented” my identity because this is probably what you did.

    No, I’m a real person — my name is really Mandy. And I’m not the Mandy on the show — in fact, if you write out your email address and I’ll email you from my personal account. I don’t have a habit to lie about stuff, unlike *some* people. I’m sorry that you don’t like people speaking the truth and I’m so sorry to see that you can’t stand seeing other people being happy.

    This is Winnie’s blog, of course she 鍾意講乜就講乜, you do not have to agree with everything she said but it’s not right to slander people on their own blog. Winnie doesn’t have to live for your approval. I didn’t even know who Winnie is until stumbling on her blog 2 weeks ago. I don’t necessarily agree with everything she says, but I like her spirit and I find her blog to be highly entertaining. If I have the time to visit her blog, I WILL defend her because Winnie is truly one of a kind! Are you game?

    Lulu: Let me tell you something, GO GET A LIFE!! Go out and have fun, if you take life too seriously, you will die young…if you don’t like reading her stuff, then all you need to do is to invite yourself out. It’s that simple.

  14. Money

    講到隻嘢咁神奇, 分咗幾多commission比你? 話時話乜隻嘢唔包減眼肚既咩,你對眼肚大成咁, 仲大過對眼….唉

  15. Mandy

    Money — or should I say, Kaka or Lulu?

    眼肚大 often makes a person look smiley, hence even more approachable 😉

  16. Money

    wrinkles also makes a person look smiley. But why you strive hard to be wrinkleless in your age??? you demonstrated that you are self-contradictory, Mandy, or I should say, winnie leung? hahaha……

  17. Be smarter

    quoted from http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/guide/human-growth-hormone-hgh

    “Others purchase HGH products — or products that claim to increase your body’s own production of HGH — in the form of pills and sprays. Companies that market these products on TV infomercials or online claim they turn back your body’s biological clock, reducing fat, building muscle, restoring hair growth and color, strengthening the immune system, normalizing blood sugar, increasing energy and improving sex life, sleep quality, vision, and memory. However, the Federal Trade Commission has seen no reliable evidence to support the claim that these products have the same effects as prescription HGH, which is always given by injection. Taken orally, HGH is digested by the stomach before it can be absorbed into the body.

    HGH Side Effects and Other Hazards
    Possible side effects of HGH use include:

    nerve, muscle, or joint pain
    swelling due to fluid in the body’s tissues (edema)
    carpal tunnel syndrome
    numbness and tingling of the skin
    high cholesterol levels
    HGH can also increase the risk of diabetes and contribute the growth of cancerous tumors.

    Furthermore, if you get the drug illicitly, you may not know what you are really getting. Because of the high cost, HGH drugs have been counterfeited. If you are not getting HGH from your doctor, you may be getting an unapproved product.

    You also should speak with your doctor before considering any form of HGH.”

  18. Mandy

    Money: dude or dudette, whoever you are. There’s nothing so “haha” about it. Self-contradictory? What part of the word of SARCASM do you not understand? I’m making fun of you.

    I told you I’m not her. And stop repeating what I said, you should at least be a bit more creative in your response! Like I said, if you provide your contact information, I’ll give you my personal contact information and I’ll come meet you face to face, then you can see if I’m her. You accused me of being Winnie because YOU yourself are assuming several fake identities.

    If you don’t like what Winnie said, why do you return to her blog AGAIN AND AGAIN (under different names)? This is OBSESSION — it’s not healthy and that’s not what NORMAL people do in REAL LIFE — stop projecting your self-loathing/hatred on somebody else! You need to go see a psychiatrist…I’m sure Winnie knows somoone she could introduce you to. I actually feel sorry for you because you must be feel really loney because you’re such a hateful person. It’s a sign that you’re constantly under stressed. Go to the beach or something, stop obsess over Winnie!!

    Be Smarter: Of course, HGH can be counterfeited — anything can be counterfeited. Viagra can be counterfeited, Gucci bag can be counterfeited. If this stuff is so dangerous, I suggest you go and tell GNC stores in the US to pull all HGH releasers/boosters on the shelves, all of you morality police.

  19. Kelly Mak

    Mandy, obviously, Winnie Leung should be the one “need to go see a psychiatrist” to treat you schizophrenia, since you use other identities to boost yourself AGAIN AND AGAIN. Or if you really Mandy, you also” need to go see a psychiatrist” to treat your Manic Depressive Disorder. Otherwise, you wouldn’t like a shrew bawling on the street to write a long reply to everyone but who actually didn’t criticize you!
    BTW, we don’t like what Winnie said, that’s why we return to her blog AGAIN AND AGAIN to comment! I wonder why you don’t understand as this simple!

  20. Ling

    好心唔好將張相放到咁大, 我無意中睇到. 雖然整咗容都仲係好驚嚇!

    Mandy, 似乎最lonely係你, 篇篇回覆都長篇大論, 又長又沉, 潑婦駡街, 快D去睇精神科醫生!

  21. stranger on a street



  22. Eliza

    講得出”呢度係人地個blog,其實佢想寫咩係有自由”都幾係無知, 你知唔知之前就有人係Internet講”好想強姦阿婆”都被警方拘捕, 大部分針對現實世界用來防止罪行的法例,均適用於internet,, 任何人如果喺internet發放涉嫌有關利益輸送虛既假陳述, 如誤導, 推銷一些未經認証既藥物,都已涉嫌違法.Internet係比公眾監察, 並唔係你所謂人地嘅地方.

  23. Eliza

    我又冇蠢到聽佢去買d藥, 又唔係受害者, 報警未輪到我. 如果唔係我地喺到監察, 可能有更多好似你如豬一樣頭腦既人受害.

  24. Mandy

    Kelly Mak: No, not bawling on the street, just in my home. People seem to be ignoring what I have been proposing. Again, if you want to meet up with me face to face to carry on this dicussion, I don’t have a problem with that. I’ll tell you where I work and what I do. Post your email address so I can contact you. If you don’t take up my offer, then stop repeating the same accusation, because it’s getting really old. According to Eliza’s logic, you’re spreading false information about me and I can go sue you. LAST OFFER: ARE YOU GAME?

    Of course I’m bored — when have you seen me ever posted here before? How can I not respond to people like you, you people are a dime in dozen — pure entertainment. You go on other people’s blog for the sole purpose to attack. I defend Winnie because my personality and character are exactly like her. There really is such a thing called “fan.”

    And you said “we don’t like what Winnie said, that’s why we return to her blog AGAIN AND AGAIN to comment!” But this is the part that I don’t understand: in order to know what Winnie actually said, you’d need to keep returning to read her blog posts, I just don’t understand the purpose of doing it.

    Ling: I’m sorry that you don’t understand English, there’s nothing I can do about it.

    Eliza: I have no idea what you are talking about. You have no logic. Go sue GNC, if you know what that is — since your job is a morality police, you need to go protect the lives of 300 billions Americans.

    To avoid spamming Winnie’s blog, this is going to be my last post on this particular topic. Take it or leave it. But Kelly Mak, my offer to you is still up.

    Hey by the way, where’s Kaka?

  25. Money

    如果你唔係Winnie Leung, 就一定係比佢醜10倍兼有燥狂症既人, 一個美人甚至一個正常人無可能會以一個咁既人為偶像?

  26. Stranger on a street

    講野就唔好人生攻擊, 人地唔識咩? 你講到好似係度呃人買野甘..甘你甘正義就應該去報警羅..係度吠有用咩? 你理得人地買定唔買….關你鬼事.

  27. deedee

    Mandy, Well said ! Unfortunately we have to acknowledge that there are people who are beyond reasoning, different thinking level. My strategy is not to entangle with them, let them vent out their hatred, anger and venom, ( I feel sorry for those who keep so much negative energy inside, I think life should be celebrated!) let them talk to themselves, overtime, feel bored and disappear… 😉

  28. Eliza

    Stranger on a street, 乜你唔見之前係全靠D好心人post 晒D side effects 出嚟先冇人再問點order咩? 唔係人人個都好似你咁冇正義感, 咁人地喺道留言又…關你鬼事.

    BTW, 人係唔識吠, 只會有人似豬咁蠢囉!!

  29. Eliza

    都話明係人, 又點會長出其它牙? 點極都唔明, 真係人蠢冇藥醫, 再教精你都浪費我時間.

  30. Fiona

    擺明係呃人買啦!,零皺紋喎, 慳D啦! 就係因你話食, 更加唔會買, 有辨睇.

  31. Serena


    what you said above were so right! Better to mouth shut rather then agrued and non-stop the topics. some people dun know how to forgive people and ease their anger. You’ll feel so sorry for those people. mercy them.

  32. Taro

    真係唔知你有咩咁直得自負? 係人都知你由頭假到落腳.
    反而如果你磏虛d, 就算人地都會係背後笑你, 都唔會當面恥辱囉!
    比人話又唔反省, 結果就係自取其辱.

  33. Sally


  34. Connie

    HALO 呀winnie!!!! 我路過睇開thermage見到………上面的人真係好無聊, 有乜好argue呢! 唔岩睇咪走law, 點解要係度argue!!! i support you !
    By the way, 想問問既係…….我結婚前想做thermage, 因為塊面太”the” 了(灰心……..), 但是太貴啦……..原本幾萬都可以接受……但加埋眼要78000! 而且你為讀者提供的discount 又過左好耐……….想問呢, 我今年31, 如果塊面比較鬆弛, 食呢個product 會幾耐見效? , 你認為呢個product 同thermage 那一個效果會出的? 真心想問的, 唔該晒你!!!!!!

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