是 Count Down 還是 Move On?



記得18 歲移民加拿大之前的幾個大除夕夜,我一定會駐守蘭桂坊和當時叫做灣仔New World Harbour View 酒店(現在的 New World Renaissance)裡面的 “Manhattan” 。穿梭各大少 Count Down Party 的。移民加拿大後,12 月 31 號大部份時間都在香港人開的K 場裡面跟朋友劈紅酒過劈過你死我活。回流12 年了,頭幾年都好像會出去 Regent 或 Grand Hyatt,甚至 02 年在九龍灣會展主辦過除夕 Rave Party。但往後的除夕,我真的沒大印象。

我已經很多年沒出去那些 party。




去年的大除夕,我在美國陪伴著只剩3個多月命 的大家姐,真的在count down 她生命的每一天(當時我還有信心會戰勝病魔的)。00:00 的時候,我大概是在自己房間聽著隔壁的她在痛苦的呻吟然後邊偷偷流淚邊頌著心經。



新年是一個好好讓自己面對的檢查點。去面對上一年所有想抹走的東西,問清楚自己新一年怎去處理,進步和提升。否則,再訂多幾百個新目標都沒有用!除夕不再是 count down,而是教我去 move on。




There are 30 comments

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  1. Nam

    我都係好多好多年無喺外面count down, 好怕好怕喺出面同人迫!

    所以, 寧願選擇與家人或朋友留在家中, 吃飯、聊天, 簡簡單單最開心!

    仍是那一句, 好好活在當下、珍惜眼前人(包括家人、朋友)!


  2. Nam

    我都係好多好多年無喺外面count down, 好怕好怕喺出面同人迫!

    所以, 寧願選擇與家人或朋友留在家中, 吃飯、聊天, 簡簡單單最開心!

    仍是那一句, 好好活在當下、珍惜眼前人(包括家人、朋友)!


  3. SS

    WInnie, I saw your post on your training. I’m currently a bit lost as I just resigned from my job and not sure what I can pursue next. Your training seems to motivate ppl to discover their objs and go about it. I’d like to learn more about it – both as a participant and how to become a trainer.

    Would you mind to email me on details:
    – as participants, what training do we get
    – requirements to be a trainer?

    I’m so lost and would like to re-discover my career / life path. Tks in advance.

  4. SS

    WInnie, I saw your post on your training. I’m currently a bit lost as I just resigned from my job and not sure what I can pursue next. Your training seems to motivate ppl to discover their objs and go about it. I’d like to learn more about it – both as a participant and how to become a trainer.

    Would you mind to email me on details:
    – as participants, what training do we get
    – requirements to be a trainer?

    I’m so lost and would like to re-discover my career / life path. Tks in advance.

  5. Joey Chan

    Dear Winnie! I am Joey from your 18 year old era! We have lost touch for so long and I have always been thinking about how you are! Then one day recently, i saw your Facebook in a Facebook ad! I am so excited and happy to learn that you’ve found something you love to do with lots of people love what you do!! Wish you a belated merry x’mas and happy new year in the way you want them to be! I don’t know how else I can find you except writing you here and I don’t think it’s the best idea to leave my contact info here so have only enclosed my website url. You can find my Facebook link and other contact info on my website! hope to hear from you soon!

  6. Joey Chan

    Dear Winnie! I am Joey from your 18 year old era! We have lost touch for so long and I have always been thinking about how you are! Then one day recently, i saw your Facebook in a Facebook ad! I am so excited and happy to learn that you’ve found something you love to do with lots of people love what you do!! Wish you a belated merry x’mas and happy new year in the way you want them to be! I don’t know how else I can find you except writing you here and I don’t think it’s the best idea to leave my contact info here so have only enclosed my website url. You can find my Facebook link and other contact info on my website! hope to hear from you soon!

  7. Nat


    What’s a meaningful message! Great to see it!

    Review, reset, Vision, Appreciation….That’s the way we live our life!

  8. Nat


    What’s a meaningful message! Great to see it!

    Review, reset, Vision, Appreciation….That’s the way we live our life!

  9. winnieleung

    Joey: Can‘t express how excited I am to see your message here!See u on Facebook and in person,soon!

  10. winnieleung

    SS, apologise for not replying promptly. Thank you for trusting me to share that with me. Shall I reply you via email, cos it would be a long reply. is the gmail your address?

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