Sport Bra Sport Bra

【女生専區】NIKE女裝外套+ 3大揀Sport Bra法則


運動成為人們日常生活的一部分,而對於運動女生來說,運動裝備除咗要舒適外,更要時尚優美。踏入夏天NIKE一早為一眾運動女生推出NIKE女裝外套系列及Sport Bra,更因應瑜伽,fitness、拳擊、籃球等不同運動劃分Sport Bra嘅支撐強度,外觀非常時尚,唔愛做運動嘅女生,買嚟襯衫都靚!入手更多NIKE女裝靚衫靚鞋

撰文:MT | 圖片來源:Nike Online Store

貼心運動劃分 再沒揀錯Sport Bra

好多女生在挑選運動內衣時都會好糾結,以為愈緊保護性愈強,其實咁樣除咗令運動帶來不適,更會令外觀失去美感。NIKE推出全新Sport Bra系列就以不同運動劃分出低、中、高強度嘅三大範疇,只要按照住運動項目買,咁就唔會揀錯Sport Bra啦!
【女生専區】NIKE女裝外套+ 3大揀Sport Bra法則


低強度支撐嘅Sport Bra適合運動包括瑜珈、普拉提、Barre等,比較合適運動量較少、伸展性嘅運動,而低強度支撐運動內衣重好啱平日出街Mix and Match穿搭添!

[image-tagging attachment=”719820″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/] [image-tagging attachment=”719818″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/]

[image-tagging attachment=”719817″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/]



中強度支撐嘅Sport Bra適合健身運動、動感單車、fitness等運動﹐擁有良好穩定性及保護能力。

【女生専區】NIKE女裝外套+ 3大揀Sport Bra法則

[image-tagging attachment=”719823″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/]

[image-tagging attachment=”719824″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/] [image-tagging attachment=”719825″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/]



【女生専區】NIKE女裝外套+ 3大揀Sport Bra法則

【女生専區】NIKE女裝外套+ 3大揀Sport Bra法則

[image-tagging attachment=”719830″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/] [image-tagging attachment=”719829″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/]

[image-tagging attachment=”719828″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/]


介紹完運動內衣,一件運動外套穿搭同樣重要,除咗搭配出時尚mix and match嘅運動風外,喜歡行山同海邊玩的女士,外套有防紫外線嘅保護作用;跑步著外套更可以起到熱身同焗汗作用。

[image-tagging attachment=”719831″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/]

[image-tagging attachment=”719841″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/] [image-tagging attachment=”719835″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/]

[image-tagging attachment=”719833″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/] [image-tagging attachment=”719840″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/]

[image-tagging attachment=”719834″ class=”fbpx_nikeShoes” link_1=”” tag_1=”%E6%8C%89%E6%AD%A4%E5%85%A5%E6%89%8B”/]

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Pushing yourself isn’t pretty. 💪🏽 This was the best selfie I got (impressive, I know) when I decided to hike Runyon during the hottest part of our 90+ degree Los Angeles day… after I’d already had a personal training sesh with @bodybychlojo … and knowing that a mid-day hike means I’ll be working til probably 9:00p tonight. So: why? Because I wanted to challenge myself. Because I wanted to get some fresh air. Because I’ve trained my body and I trust my body. Because I’ve prioritized the work that needs to be done this week, so doing some of it tonight will be just fine. 🙌🏽 What could be different in your life if you applied a little more training (aka discipline), a little more trust, and a pinch of prioritizing? 👀 Think about it during that 20 minutes you spend in the shower just thinking and not actually showering. Speaking of which… your girl is filthy. 🚿🚿

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One day it just clicks.. You realize what's important and what isn't. You learn to care less about what other people think of you and more about what you think of yourself. You realize how far you have come and you remember when you thought things were such a mess that they would never recover. And then you smile. You smile because you are truly proud of yourself and the person you have fought to become. ____________ Allerdings bedeutet das nicht, dass ich am Ende meiner Reise bin ☝️ Ziele zu haben und diese zu verfolgen sind wichtig! Aber genauso wichtig – Pausen bzw. kleine Belohnungen, wenn Zwischenziele erreicht werden 🙏💗 ____________ 📸: @iamlorinov Hair: @lilo_naeht ________________________ #sportforlife #sportphotography #nikewomen #portraitgermany #sportphoto #fitbabes #fitnessphotography #fitmodels #shooting_time #shreddedabs #sportmodels #dessousmodel #munichmodels #modelsport #munichgirl #muenchen #sportliebe #kraftsportliebe

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【女生専區】NIKE女裝外套+ 3大揀Sport Bra法則

銷售點:Nike Online Store

