


其實知己好友 B 仔於兩年前已帶過我來 Mo Mo Paradise,這次再來感覺沒變,依然是正!

這家放題店,最出名是吃一個鍋的壽喜燒(Sukiyaki),用放滿素菜料+日本醬油來做湯底已好夠味了。第一round,侍應會隨你喜好給你兩盤切得超薄的牛肉或豬肉,肉質新鮮juicy!經驗告訴我,牛肉放入湯底最多 1 分鐘拿出來吃是口感最正的!

素菜和米飯都是任點,是晚我兩個人,6 碗飯X 8盤肉 X 2 個 Lemon Sherbert 再加檸茶一杯,捧著肚子走埋單不過新台幣960元(約港幣240,其实放题每位新台幣 399 元,也不到100港幣一位)

MoMo Paradise

松壽路 22 號 Neo 19 內2 樓(新光三越 A11 棟對面)


11:30-22:00(Fri,Sat 至00:00)



今日贏家將獲贈“蒂芙妮藍色”嬌蕉包 1 個!


“數數手指幾多隻,總數數到十,看看電視睇到我,數到有幾多 。。。“ 這首很經典的兒時歌曲(我個年代)下兩句歌詞是什麼?

最快在 Winnie Leung’s Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Winnie-Leung/291471283972?ref=ts)或梁穎妍winnieleung 微博 (http://t.sina.com.cn/1718283825/profile/) 上答中的為嬌蕉包贏家(根據電腦 post 出時間為準),結果會於明天公佈。


There are 22 comments

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  1. sammi

    左邊五右邊兩 加埋共有七飛天蟲兒共飛天 確係唔錯一齊飛天上 弟弟妹妹共哥哥七小福走天涯 行雷大雨都不怕直情未驚過

  2. Daphne

    數數手指幾多隻, 總數數到十。看看電視睇到我,數下有幾多。左邊五, 右邊兩, 加埋共有七。飛天蟲兒共飛天,確係唔錯。一齊飛天上,弟弟妹妹共哥哥。七小福走天涯,行雷落雨都不怕,值情末驚過!

  3. nam

    好正咁喎, 下次去台北一定要試吓先!

    我好鍾意去”辣中間” 食….又平又勁正~~~諗起都流口水呀!!!

  4. Carol

    Hi Queenie! I am a reader of your blog and More. I rmb you wrote in MORE some time ago to recommend a spa in 台北復興路.

    Could you provide me the information again? Cos i m going to Taipei nx week and wanna try the spa!
    thanks a lot!

  5. winnie leung

    Sure, Carol! It is Shiseido Qi Spa located on 9th floor inside Sogo 復興館。tel 02-8772-0300 you would be able to get big discount if u say u are my reader! Enjoy your time there n I m going there these few days, too! Haha. Btw! I m WINNIE not Queenie ah. Hahaha

  6. winnieleung

    Carol, approx HKD 700-800 la, but 2-3 full hours ah!!! pick the one best suits your needs that day 🙂 Personally,I like the package which I can do both face and body!!!

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