想買全世界都斷貨的嬌蕉包?Here U Go!



真的很巧,本來就打算這星期會 post 這篇 blog 出來,怎料上星期看到鄰居 blogger, 《more》的高級編輯 Michelle Lau 寫的 《終於收到我的嬌蕉包!!》,我就更心急想跟大家分享這天大的喜訊!

對!壞消息是:大熱兼紅遍中、港、台和澳門的嬌蕉包 (Banana Bag),已是想買都買不到了! 淘寶網已停止接受訂單,而嬌蕉包總壇那方面已於上星期五親口跟我說,連台灣本地訂貨都再應附不了。就算你願意像之前排長龍等到頸都長等最少兩個月也好,該都暫時訂不到包包已是事實(當然不要妄想說會有現貨賣給你)。

不過 … 以台北作為第二頭家的我,怎能讓一眾香港讀者及潮爆姊妹們沒有嬌蕉包用?我出手,大家可放心了!因為好消息是:


其實這個安排是我之前已想好的,眼見嬌蕉包大熱但很多香港朋友想買都買不到,絕對合付Winnie Leung’s 私密架(Winnie Leung‘s 私密架 - 事先張揚篇 )存在的目的,所以便加以精心安排。本來想跟他們傾做代理,不過已有家在銅鑼灣的小店談好條件。只是,聽說連這家代理都要等到年底才會有貨耶!

所以,除了保證是 100% 正貨外,各位 《more》的粉絲們還不用像之前那樣排隊排兩個多月啊!最快兩個多星期就買到了(因為我到時才回到香港)。

還有,為了答謝大家對我這個 blog 過去一年的支持 (明天是我開 blog 一週年誌慶啊!!!)我決定把每一個色都送出一個來給大家(共 5 個 - 因第一批沒有湖水藍色)。


1)從明天起我會 post 一條問題出來 (分別在這個blog,Facebook Page,和微博上)

2)最快在 Winnie Leung’s Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Winnie-Leung/291471283972?ref=ts)或梁穎妍winnieleung 微博 (http://t.sina.com.cn/1718283825/profile/) 上答中的為當天送出的嬌蕉包贏家(根據電腦 post 出時間為準)



另外,如果你有意預訂的話也可以。除了綠色比較少外,每隻色約有幾十個。先訂先得。不過事先說明,基於物以旱為貴,所以會比平時的 HK$450 貴些少啦!有意可直接 email 到[email protected] 查詢。



There are 55 comments

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  1. nam

    Winnie好勁呀…可以每隻些買到幾十個….俾妳10000個 “讚” 呀!

    我好鍾意甜心粉紅….希望答中問題攞到”巨獎”啦! ^o^

  2. nel

    Winnie, can I order a pink one, and if that’s out then a red one. Can you let me know the price also. Thanks!!

  3. Grace

    Hi Winnie, I would like to order a pink one too! Could you please send me some information as well, thanks a million!

  4. Angela

    Dear Winnie,
    Would you tell me where I can find the cleansing oil that you have mentioned in More. You said it contains essential oil and good for waterproof mascara as well. I misplace the information from More.
    I like you session, you give me a lot of beauty information. I have a flat nose, Do you think Dr reborn have some package for nose as well?

  5. winnieleung

    Angela:It can be bought in Causeway Bay / TST 袁彌明生活百貨店。I have asked Dr.Reborn for you today, yes, you can also do your nose with a special discount if you say my name, and they suggested u to do Restylane.

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