報答恩人@ TVB 三個女人一個墟



昨晚無線電視 TVB 翡翠台播了第一集的《三個女人一個墟》,而我托張傑醫生鴻福,做他的 case 上了節目做嘉賓。其實錄影那天我本來是在台北的,但我額外付款也要改機票回來,全因為要支持我的大恩人 - Dr.Chang。

實不相瞞,之前我因為不停狠狠試用很多 products 和 service,又不小心地讓自己的臉受到化學燒傷,弄到皮膚曾一度非常非常極度恐怖!而張醫生一直都好專業來拯救我。由去年把我臉和頸項去疣開始,到 Thermage,到 C6 laser (注意:我是他的客戶,縱使我有這麼多贊助都好,我還是願意自己付款開 package 那種!)

到最近,我聽得最多人說的是:「你的皮膚幹嘛現在那麼的好??」或者 「你現在的皮膚真的好好啊!」

也真的還好皮膚是現在這個狀態才被邀請上這節目,否則就真的是幫張醫生趕客!!!因為TVB要求只可塗粉底,跟無化妝無分別(我好勇!)而三位主持人卓韻芝+蒙嘉慧+呂慧儀是非常認真嚴謹和不會客氣的檢查嘉賓們,那個晚上我甚至覺得自己有點像「羅茲威爾」一樣被圍觀,但是,我是三個嘉賓裡面唯一得到全正面 feedback 例如:零皺紋啦,皮膚好彈啦,面頰出奇地「令」(即是有光澤),她們看起來比我還要老很多…等等啊!(有位做彩光打班的嘉賓,甚至被她們直接質問:你打完為甚麼都還有的?」)

說回這個錄影,雖然現在平均一年都會上電視節目最少一次,但這次還是第一次入電視城的錄影廠。節目安排我要從佈景後面的double door 出來,在電視上看似很 high tech 的自動門,其實原來是靠兩位工作人員來拉開的呀!

至於我皮膚整個進化史,待我 organzie 好所有照片之後(當然沒有經過 photoshop 處理的),會跟大家分享如何由又黃又dull又沒有光澤又粗毛孔,變到現在這樣。 (不過,這當然也要配合 Bitchy Store 賣的優質貨品+ Edmond 的幫忙啦!哈哈哈!)

我只想說:If I can,YOU CAN!!!!!(連我都可以,你一定得!)而我會繼續堅持不買帳和只說出真相!


There are 62 comments

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  1. kk

    Hi winnie

  2. Gigi

    Winnie, 你EQ好高呀,其實三位主持實在太唔專重嘉賓s,節目好嘈,如果你做主持一定好好多。連醫生都無機會發言!!我實在無興趣知道主持有幾怕痛(佢唯一嘅對白)

  3. YAN

    不過你比左好大信心我,有EDMOND同BITCHY STORE一定會靚返!
    雖然我食左EDMOND D野一個星期,但係其實由第一日見佢信心真係多左好多,唔似之前試左好多都冇用。
    Winnie …KEEP住帶比希望比人,同埋stay healthy ..be happy!

  4. Fanny

    Winnie, 我睇咗你上年11月介紹嘅 dream treatment ~ Thermage CPT, 真係好吸引呀, 您仲越來越靚添!我想麻煩您幫我問吓張傑醫生, 會否再有優惠價比我哋去做呢個超堅嘅 treatment 呢?
    祝您永遠青春動人! 🙂

  5. San

    Hello Winnie, 多謝您無私的與我們分享那麼多親身體驗!見完您真人後,自己真是汗顏。努力加油!幫姊妹們發掘多些美容竅門!

  6. candylee

    winnie,你皮膚睇上去好似得25歲,我今年就快29歲,你話我依個年紀好唔好去做你講嘅Thermage CPT呢?我皮膚系混合型,鼻上比較多黑頭同毛孔粗大咯,紋就未有,自小面都有babyfat,一直都希望可以瘦到個面(除了打瘦面針),我估我個面都喺脂肪肥+水腫,我想瘦到個面可以出到個瓜子面出來!

  7. Dhu

    Totally agreed w Gigi, the topic is interesting, I wanna hear more from doctors and guests rather than these women. Very disappointed that only a few shots on Winnie

  8. Jovi

    HI Winnie, 我覺得你昨晚出得太少喇…不如你自己開返個talk 比我地呢班忠實粉絲參加or 希望有機會有你的個人節目,分享下你的護膚心得啦..!! 真係唔夠喉…哈哈!!

  9. SamSam

    Winnie, 你d皮膚真係靚到爆呀! 睇完你上電視d皮膚”令”到咁, 我都好有興建做Thermage, 不過真係好貴!

  10. Elizabeth Chen

    唔鍾意那3個主持, 扮無知, 超作狀, 又嘈又唔俾嘉賓講多D, Winnie就好好睇, 又靚又大方, 下一集冇Winnie都唔會睇lor!

  11. winnieleung

    candylee:hmmm 我未必建議,因為你還後生。不過保養一定要做!毛孔方面,有 product 可幫到吓,你可 email:[email protected] 問。你暫時可考慮先做 C6 laser 都OK。至於水腫等問題,成因好多,你可試試找 Edmond (我前幾天失眠那篇寫過)。如果真的想firm 面,做機最快。你可consult 醫生呢!

  12. winnieleung


  13. San

    Dear Winnie ,
    I just read your blog recently and found that your blog is so useful and fruitful about beauty things. I knew that you hv conducted the surgery about removal of warts, can you send me more details about it? Like the doctor’s info and cost? Thanks a lot!

  14. MM

    Hi Winnie, I would like to ask if the promotion price for Thermage which you offered earlier (i.e. $47400) is still valid or not? If it is still valid, I will do it!!! Many thanks!

  15. Candy

    Yes… your legs look so slim with the Celine wedges… I just wanna ask you where did you get such nice wedges… and I know that’s Celine now!!! Thank you Winne and wishing you stay beauty forever…

  16. winnieleung

    Joey: They might have some other promo but I think they will still have it if you use my name! If you need any help, let me know! 🙂

  17. winnieleung

    dinnie: 哎呀,謝謝你。不過像你留得這種message 的人真的是膠人,還要是“硬” 的那種膠!真的謝謝你讓我在等我個lunch 的時間笑到傻了!!!!

  18. winnieleung

    MM: I really think they will give you, just call and use my name! IF you need any help, feel free to let me know, okay?

  19. winnieleung

    Hello San: If you don’t mind, I’ll call you San 3 (cos you are the third San I have). You mind to email me so I can tell you in details by scanning my old article to you? my email address is in my profile box

  20. 琳琳

    Hi Winnie my dear!!

  21. 琳琳

    Hi Winnie my dear!!

  22. kat

    我想問下關於整鼻既問題: 整左後可維持幾耐?

  23. winnieleung

    miss wu:我會先在下禮拜一的 “more” 公開。 到時會有個專用email,所以到時才開始回覆啦!因為我會組團啊!

  24. winnieleung


  25. winnieleung

    kat: 謝謝。我下禮拜一會開始在more 公開,一連幾期的。對,我的鼻子是永久的。

  26. Ivy

    首先我係唔反對整容的,亦幾鐘意睇你專欄,但我都要講真話,查實你個鼻整完超假,又歪,同你五官面形一點都唔襯。我一d都唔覺你似混血兒,反而似Michael Jackson. 你d fans或者朋友話你似應該你奉承你或者諷刺你。但皮膚真係好好,好firm好young!最多似33歲。如果個鼻唔係一下子整到咁會自然好多lor!我身邊有個朋友識你,你節目出街後,其實你有部分朋友背後笑你,但當你面就講好聽說話。我咁講唔係想聊是非而係想你要多啲聽唔同意見,有時肯唔怕傷害你都講真話既人先係真朋友,good luck!

  27. DeeDee

    To Ivy, you must be jealous of Winnie, comparing Winnie with Michael Jackson? that is so ridiculous, and LOL at you ! You made such an effort to write so much, just show that Winnie’s success must be very hard on you, and it also shows that you are a shallow person. I teach my children, if you have nothing good (constructive) to say, don’t say anything.

  28. winnieleung

    DeeDee: Thank you so much!其實你的留言是我張開眼睛,聊完通電話後在床上的一個“早餐”(雖然已經 13:30!hahahah)。不過,看完你個留言(因為你個留言在最top),真是可以省掉我好多時間,因為我連看都不用看那位 Ivy 的留言了!hahahahahha。我唯一擔心的是,到底那些人看得懂你流利的英文嗎?就算看懂,又會否看懂你背後所傳達的訊息。不過,Thank you very much for protecting me, for being neutral, and for being CONSTRUCTIVE like you teach your children. Walking your talk is indeed very important to their development, and it’s sad to see that not many parents could do that and that’s part of the reasons why HK looks like what it is now. Heartfelt thanks again Dee Dee!

  29. Ivy

    Winnie & Deedee:我相信你會教到你啲仔女好虛偽同唔能夠接受批評囉!真話本來就唔好聽但先係進步既動力。我打咁大篇文章同妒忌係兩回事,唔知你啲邏輯觀念點學返黎。喺呢個網絡平台,每個人都可以發表意見,如果少少批評都接受唔到,學咩人做公眾人物?整容本來就係件容易走火入魔既事,都係嗰句,祝你好運!英文留言代表高人一等?我用中文留言代表我唔識英文?winnie你啲膚淺祟洋價值觀咁多年都無變!

  30. Ice

    Hi Winnie,

    我媽媽約60歲,係上年面生咗一粒黑點 (突起..好似係疣, 但好似越來越大), 佢去咗Facial公司脫咗2次都唔得...好唔開心,依家唔知點好
    我想問為係咪可以搵Dr Cheung脫咗去? (定有好介紹)...
    希望你可以比D意見...(Eg Contact of Dr Cheung…手術幾錢 etc)!!
    Tks a lot!! 

  31. DeeDee

    Ivy, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is no absolute. Constructive criticism or malicious criticism is really easy to tell, there is no point sugar coating it. The more you try to pretend, the more silly you look.

    Universal golden rule, “Do onto others as you would want done onto you”.

    Thank you for asking about my children, they are both very fine young successful citizen of the world, and they do understand and live by the golden rule.

    I apologize for not able to type in Chinese…

    Case closed for me.

  32. winnieleung

    Hello Ice: 哎呀,老人家因為這樣而不開心,我一定要幫忙!我提議這樣:你拍個照片之後email 我!email 在我profile 哪裡!然後我馬上給醫生看一下再回覆你!ok?

  33. Peri

    Just buy more and see your new face from your blog, I am so happy now you are really become a beautiful young lady. People who has a beautiful heart is more important then they have a nice face. And now you are the one who have both. Good dream my sweet angle , alway bring happy and hope to people.

  34. winnieleung

    Peri:thank you for your message,I gotta say,you are by far the only person who can articulate my whole intention of doing so!thx for empowering me!

  35. joey

    i want to ask i also want to do the thermage if i say i am your fans, can i still have the promotion of 47400 now,(march)

  36. winnieleung

    joey: call them and tell them you are my reader, they will let you know their new promo! let me know if you need any help

  37. Mui Ng

    我今年廿九歲 鼻頭毛孔粗大可做什麽治療?

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