看來,我真的好 Superdry!


前幾天一篇《愛上 Superdry!》讓我邊寫邊興奮。寫完那刻,我已經知道我一定會多買,只是沒想過這次一掃就 12 件!原因是,自從寫完個 post,便陸續收到不同朋友的短訊托代購。而我的性格,當然會不辭勞苦的幫忙。

結果我在信義誠品的 Superdry 專櫃近 3 個小時,逐件逐件看適合誰- 因為我的朋友叫我買東西是從來不會給 reference 或者告訴我要甚麼,完全只相信我的品味的,充當 fashion conceirge,我當然要非常負責任。

我真的要大大大大大大大大大讚我的 sales assistant 小奕。他確實是我們 shopping 這麼多年來服務最棒的一個。平時在甚麼名店,sales 那種很慇懃的服務很多時會讓我覺得他們在做一個 duty 而已。但是小奕本身真的是 Superdry 的超級大粉絲,所以真的很不一樣。句句都是真誠的真心話,不會為了佣金而硬逼我要甚麼,很多時候還擔心我買了不適合的而給意見。不過最重要,是每次他都會用盡方法讓我省最多的錢!

有讀者以為我不知道香港也有 Superdry Store,但是我找小奕買,平均每件省港幣 $500 呢!還有,最後我忍不住買了很多明星都愛穿的 Brad leather jacket,原價 台幣$15800,結果,我猜我只用了一萬左右吧!




There are 15 comments

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  1. winnieleung

    minime: The leather jacket has men and women size respectively, but same design. I am wearing Small but can still wear a hoodie inside.

  2. winnieleung

    lala: do you really want it? If so you can transfer money into my account and I buy it. I won’t be back to HK till next week

  3. Teresa

    Hi Winnie,
    Can you really help to buy?!? Plllllllllssss~~~
    I really really love the light grey zip up hoodle you posted on Nov 7!!! It looks soooooo cool on you~~~~~~

  4. winnieleung

    Teresa: What size are you? It’s around $9xx (HKD) should be a few hundred dollars cheaper than to buy in HK. Let me know, if you really want it, you can transfer money to my HSBC account. Leave me your email so I can tell you 🙂

  5. winnieleung

    Gre: The pink one costs around HK$9XX after discount and the leather jacket costs below $3000 after discount.

  6. Teresa

    Hi Winnie,
    Yesyes I really want it!  Size S should be fine, pls email your HSBC a/c no. to [email protected]
    我真的愛死你了… 那有偶像幫小粉絲買衫!!! 我開心到傻咗^o^  Thank you soooo much!

  7. Teresa

    Hi Winnie,
    I have transferred to you last Fri la, and I have replied your email on the same day. Let me resend the email to you, thanks so much for your help^.^

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