



那個男的跟那個女的,無論興趣、想法、觀點、品味、生活態度、處事方式 … 從來都是南轅北轍和兩個極端。本來可以互補不足互相依賴互相切磋,最後卻互相誤解互相抵觸互相衝突。

男的,一直都在用自己的方法去愛女人 - 然而那不是這個女人想要的。

女的,一直都在尋找自己的愛情烏托邦 - 可是那不是這個男方會有的。

愛情早以昇華變很深厚的感情。男人早已經察覺到,只是女人起初不願承認,也覺得只要還愛大家的話便一定能夠排除萬難。到關係更惡化了,惡化到兩個已經再沒東西想分享、再沒任何身體接觸,再沒東西可以去吵架。雖說女人都提出過好幾次說分開,然而兩個人卻又不願面對。也許,是不忍心面對 …

女人心裡堆著一個又一個跟他親密的障礙,終於堆到像山那麼高了,最終造成這個覆水難收的局面。她一次又一次再一次無數次有意無意的傷害了男人的心 - 是一直多麼愛她的一顆心,還有他的自尊心。

她已經問過自己無數次到底為甚麼?到底為甚麼?然而卻說不出到底她為甚麼要這樣對那個其實她內心也很愛的男人。她每天都覺得很抱歉,每天都跟自己說要對男人好一點。無奈,幻想中要創造的一切,會隨著真正見到面而 灰飛煙滅。也許,她一直在等待,等待男人有天終於要揮袖而去,然後她就大條道理可以懲罰自己。











There are 7 comments

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  1. jessie

    Winnie : 我次次睇完你寫嗰D關於男女之間嘅野,真係拍手叫好架,跟住下一個動作就一定係translate番俾我未婚夫睇. 你尾3段講”因為男的……所以男人不想再付出什麼”,諗番好好笑,因為今朝佢成程車攞住個iphone睇新聞,”只愛講他要講的話”—news highlight, 而我”就只愛做她愛做的事”—禁熄佢部iphone,”不想再多說什麼”.

  2. Elaine

    这种無奈的情況我同老公也經歷過, 內心痛苦得比死更難受,明知彼此深愛但太過堅持己見而兩败驅傷,可幸的事,我们在全完放棄時,能好好泹蕩蕩的谈,现在情況已好很多但仍須継續努力。其实好多情侣面对这兩個问題, (1) 為什么你把你最好的都給他/她,他/她竟然一奌喜悦也没有! (你傷心是因你愛他而付出最好給他/她,对他/她有期望, 但最後他/她的反应令你失望), (他/她一奌喜悦也没有是因為你觉得最好的, 他/她並不觉得是最好, 反而觉得你一奌也不了解他/她) ; (2) 為了面子明知有些東西要做, 有些说話要講也固執地不做不講)!问问自己他/她是否自己最愛, Yes的話, 請放低自己從他/她的角度去看吧! 兩個人的世界將會很不同。Winnie, 希望你的朋友能珍惜還可補求的机會。

  3. erica

    Just like what I am facing now….the only difference is, my husband never intends to treat me good, saying that he is those who doesn’t know how to treat others well, and never learn how to treat me well and makes me happy, since the 1st yr we dated. I, from expecting a man who will love me and care for me, with moody and bad temper, change to a silent one, with no expectation (as we never celebrate for special days, birthday, no gifts, flowers, or even dinner and he even forgets the days),as no expecation, no tears.

    He is those who thinks he is always right, and I am wrong; so even I cry because of him, he may not know why, and even he knows, he thinks it is none of his business even I cry the whole night without sleep, as he thinks he is right and I am wrong, so he can go to bed after quarrel and falls asleep immediately, and thinks nothing happened next day.

    The situation goes worse after my baby was borned, he changed from a silent man to another person that I get shocked & never thought. He is very nervious about the baby, so everything I do with my baby, even follow his instructions before doing anything, are wrong; so he blames me everyday, saying I am not taking good care of him, spoil him if he is naughty. He loves baby, but i don’t, so he promises he will treat me good and take care of baby if I give birth to baby, and as I don’t want him to have regrets in his life, promise him, though he doesn’t treat me well in the past 15 yrs. Of course, end up he did nothing but blaming me everything.

    Now, when he is not happy (at work), he comes back and shouts at me with rude words and tells me the things he didn’t like in the past 17 yrs (but kept silent at that time), which really makes me feel painful and hurt, esp. on those meaningful to my life. Even I learn to have no tears, no feeling, don’t know what and how to be happy, but his recent rude words makes me feel painful.

    But he is not willing to listen to me or chat with me, or even read the note I write to him and ask him to read when he has time and in good mood, as he thinks he is doing the right thing and all faults are on mine (actually everything about jobs, how to deal with life and everythings, we have opposite views), so he says it is wasting his time to chat or listen to me as my concept is wrong.

    So I can just bear with it until I can’t stand anymore. I feel so regret to give birth to a baby if I know he will treat me much worse than before, and our life totally change after having a baby, and this is not the life I want (I have told him b4 having baby). But all my friends say, even before we married, that we have been together for so many yrs, and every men are the same, so what I can do it stay with him as I am too old to find another half again.

    Really feel hopeless and painfull everyday.

  4. bethYooY


  5. Jesse

    「男的,一直都在用自己的方法去愛女人 - 然而那不是這個女人想要的。
    女的,一直都在尋找自己的愛情烏托邦 - 可是那不是這個男方會有的。」
    can’t agree more.

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