賣斷市的金箔系列 – review + 獨家優惠



正所謂一不做二不休,既然跟大家 review 了皮膚吸塵機,不如做多個關於金箔系列的吧 ∼ 因為這個產品是在我云云好多份稿之中,第二個最多人問拿資料,叫我 scan 《more》文章等等給她們的呢!

老實說,以前我對金箔的東西都不會起任何興趣,總覺得那不過是讓品牌或美容院多收我錢的 gimmick 吧了!但是約大半年前,這塊本身從日本來貨不多,更會賣斷市的金箔肥皂真的令我對金箔這東西徹底改觀。

除了用上全日本最靚的足金金箔做成之外,還藴含 Q10、蜜糖、橙油、向日葵油及椰子油等純天然成份,所以換新護膚品時一般會引起的過敏啊,粒粒啊等,都沒有發生在我臉上(That’s too good to be true already!)

另外,我喜歡它的原因是就算我買它來用也好,基於它是 100% 純天然制做,所以怎配搭其他產品也不會產生排斥,而我也不用嫌棄一大堆其它正在服役中的美容產品 ∼ 可能這就是“真金”不怕烘爐火,哈哈! (我最怕就是那些逼我買全 set,還說到隻可用它那個品牌/系列才會有理想效果的 products)

早排賣斷市番貨後,我還收到意外驚喜,就是全新的足金金箔面膜。 之前整塊肥皂布滿片片金箔碎已覺得好奢侈。這次更厲害,把成塊足金撻上面珠,真是好鬼“豪”!而且,在我前幾期的《more》專欄也分享過,這個面膜,原來是很多香港小姐的絕美秘技來的。雖然我敷了都沒資格去參選,但最少也讓我擁有香港小姐級數的皮膚嘛!

最後,這次寫 review是想解釋清楚給大家知正確用法:


好! 又來爭取 Fans 權益的時候了 😀 😀 :D!基於這是公價貨品,除了去 Purpleland 買 X’mas Set 可平 75折之外,其它時候買都是肥皂$399, 面膜$450 的。但我又有好著數帶給大家(尤其是忙到甩碌的妳):

剛跟有關當局討傾談好,從今天起到2011年1月30日,如果是這個blog 的讀者想單獨購買肥皂/面膜/box set 也好,都可免費送貨到你 office (只限辦公室地址啊!)而 box set 更破天荒平多 $30(即$608) 啊!!!

Ladies,action now!


1)致電 (852) 2529 9038 ∼ 敬請說明是這個blog的讀者

2)email 到:[email protected]


There are 30 comments

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  1. sheung

    其實有好多AnthonG都有得賣,平好多,佢地成日都有discount 同set tim~
    你可以上 http://www.anthong.com.hk 睇下,quality一定ok,袁小姐佢未開鋪前都有post
    d products係個到買,有時間我都會上門市買,冇時間就上網買,最快一次係過左數第二日就收到! 🙂 love ur posts!!寫多d ar~我當初都係投你ga~

  2. sheung

    其實有好多AnthonG都有得賣,平好多,佢地成日都有discount 同set tim~
    你可以上 http://www.anthong.com.hk 睇下,quality一定ok,袁小姐佢未開鋪前都有post
    d products係個到買,有時間我都會上門市買,冇時間就上網買,最快一次係過左數第二日就收到! 🙂 love ur posts!!寫多d ar~我當初都係投你ga~

  3. winnieleung

    sheung: 謝謝你啊!我都有聽過這家店,是金箔肥皂的代理告訴我啊!不過剛才我問過代理,她說那裡沒有我說的這個 box set,discount 和優惠啊!hehe,但多謝你又讓我知多樣野啦!!

  4. winnieleung

    sheung: 謝謝你啊!我都有聽過這家店,是金箔肥皂的代理告訴我啊!不過剛才我問過代理,她說那裡沒有我說的這個 box set,discount 和優惠啊!hehe,但多謝你又讓我知多樣野啦!!

  5. Monno

    Happy N Y Winnie, I missed your article on using Olay ProX 去颈纹, what is the trick? Or just use the product? And 现在热卖的家用RF 机真有效吗? I hv to travel a lot too, really can relate to your 温州adventures

  6. Monno

    Happy N Y Winnie, I missed your article on using Olay ProX 去颈纹, what is the trick? Or just use the product? And 现在热卖的家用RF 机真有效吗? I hv to travel a lot too, really can relate to your 温州adventures

  7. Grace

    Hello, dear Winnie, I am your big big fan, haha, I really like your blog so keep watching your blog everyday. And I bought the Gold mask set three days ago, but there is a little question , there are only two pack ( four pieces) in the mask box, cause I remember what your said in the more magazine that it should be 6 pieces of mask in the box. I guess maybe the price is cheaper ,so the numbers of mask are less. Anyway, thanks a lot!! Good luck~~

  8. Grace

    Hello, dear Winnie, I am your big big fan, haha, I really like your blog so keep watching your blog everyday. And I bought the Gold mask set three days ago, but there is a little question , there are only two pack ( four pieces) in the mask box, cause I remember what your said in the more magazine that it should be 6 pieces of mask in the box. I guess maybe the price is cheaper ,so the numbers of mask are less. Anyway, thanks a lot!! Good luck~~

  9. winnieleung

    Monno: 不好意思,现在才看到你的留言。关于 Pro X,我的 trick 是密集式的涂在颈上和做向上的提拉按摩。而家用的RF 机我没有买来用,不过始终有做好过没做而已。当然,家用的功效永远不及在外面做机啦!我自己暂时只在家里用正负离子导入机,但really works for me!

  10. winnieleung

    Monno: 不好意思,现在才看到你的留言。关于 Pro X,我的 trick 是密集式的涂在颈上和做向上的提拉按摩。而家用的RF 机我没有买来用,不过始终有做好过没做而已。当然,家用的功效永远不及在外面做机啦!我自己暂时只在家里用正负离子导入机,但really works for me!

  11. winnieleung

    Grace:Thank you so much for your message and I appreciate your encouragement a lot. Let me take this chance to apologise to you for the fact that it was an error that I have written “6 pcs” in the article. However, if you have a small face like me, you could really make the 4 pcs into 8 pcs. I do that sometimes! some extra info to you, a lot of my readers and fans have bought the mask and used it and all have very very positive feedback on it, so please feel free to share your thoughts with me and I might be able to fight for further promotions for you all 🙂 Happy New Year to you!

  12. winnieleung

    Grace:Thank you so much for your message and I appreciate your encouragement a lot. Let me take this chance to apologise to you for the fact that it was an error that I have written “6 pcs” in the article. However, if you have a small face like me, you could really make the 4 pcs into 8 pcs. I do that sometimes! some extra info to you, a lot of my readers and fans have bought the mask and used it and all have very very positive feedback on it, so please feel free to share your thoughts with me and I might be able to fight for further promotions for you all 🙂 Happy New Year to you!

  13. Grace

    Hi Winnie ! I am so happy to see your reply, just like a little fan feel exciting to get the idol’s message, haha. Thanks for telling me that, make the mask into 8 pcs is a lovely idea, haha, wish you have a wonderful bright healthy new year !!!

  14. Grace

    Hi Winnie ! I am so happy to see your reply, just like a little fan feel exciting to get the idol’s message, haha. Thanks for telling me that, make the mask into 8 pcs is a lovely idea, haha, wish you have a wonderful bright healthy new year !!!

  15. Grace

    Winnie: I want to try the mask as soon as I could, cause I toke a laser treament few days ago, I will tell you later. ^_^

  16. Grace

    Winnie: I want to try the mask as soon as I could, cause I toke a laser treament few days ago, I will tell you later. ^_^

  17. Lui

    Winnie….金箔面膜連肥皂的box set真係超級抵啊…我係聖誕節買咗一set嚟用…我發覺係我用既mask裡面係最好用…真係好介紹…我今日仲去咗買多3套….haha….希望你繼續寫多D護膚心得….

  18. Lui

    Winnie….金箔面膜連肥皂的box set真係超級抵啊…我係聖誕節買咗一set嚟用…我發覺係我用既mask裡面係最好用…真係好介紹…我今日仲去咗買多3套….haha….希望你繼續寫多D護膚心得….

  19. winnieleung

    Lui:係啊!質地不好效果不正和自己沒用的東西我都絕不會寫和介紹。尤其美容啊,身體啊的products,可大可小架!你覺得好就繼續用啦!really good

  20. winnieleung

    Lui:係啊!質地不好效果不正和自己沒用的東西我都絕不會寫和介紹。尤其美容啊,身體啊的products,可大可小架!你覺得好就繼續用啦!really good

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